Hyderabad: Political parties fear they will have to rustle up as much between Rs 20 lakh and Rs 50 lakh per candidate for the GHMC elections. Most of the cash is meant for distribution among voters. The Election Commission’s expenditure limit for each of the 150 wards is Rs 2 lakh per candidate. “Distribution of cash in slums and other bastis is now the norm. Besides providing Rs 50,000 to Rs 1lakh odd to a local leader, a good number of voters will have to be paid between Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 per head, depending on candidate’s financial strength,” a senior Congress leader said.
Asked what could be cost for a serious candidate, he replied, “Minimum Rs 50 lakh”, adding “If the party arranges for publicity and media publicity, it could be about Rs 20 lakh.” A MIM leader said in the previous GHMC polls, a candidate in the old city had spent Rs 60 lakh and won. “He distributed chairs, tables, dining sets and household articles besides cash,” he said.
A TRS leader from Vikarabad said in a previous municipal election in the small town, candidates distributed Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,000 per voter. “But there is no guarantee the voter will cast his vote for the candidate since he takes money from all,” he said.“Even educated people like teachers and others demanded money. Then there were caste groups which claimed support of 200-odd voters in return for cash,” he said.
Hiring people for campaigning too has become costly. “We have to pay at least Rs 300 besides hiring vehicles and paying for food. Only putting up posters or banners is not that effective anymore,” a TD leader said, adding “Paid news adds to the bill.”