Sayesha Saigal had high hopes on her grand debut Akhil but the movie has turned out to be an unfortunate flop. Sayesha who has a strong filmy background was elated to pair up with Nagarjuna’s younger son in his first film. Sayesha was as deeply disappointed with the end result of the movie as Akhil Akkineni. Sayesha is currently doing a high budget Hindi film featuring Ajay Devgn titled Shivaay.
Speaking about her first failure Sayesha didn’t beat around the bush and instead came down hard at the movie. “The content needed to be a little more meaningful I suppose’ she pointed out without any hesitation. Sayesha is mainly disappointed for not getting to play a decent role in the story. “The couple looked beautiful but they hardly had any romantic sequences.
I think there should have been a few more emotional and romantic sequences between the couple. Focus on the romantic angle could have attracted youngsters,” she said. She didn’t hesitate to say that there was no chemistry between her and Akhil.
“When there is no romance, there won’t be any chemistry between the pair,” Sayesh said in an interview. Well, even the director of the film VV Vinayak agreed upon committing few grave mistakes in making this movie.