Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s new movie was supposed to be launched in the third week of January. Update is that the movie’s launch will be delayed furthermore. Since the director of the movie, Surender Reddy, is in the US on his personal affairs, it takes three more weeks the director to return India. That’s why the movie’s launch has been pushed to February 10.
However, once the movie rolls down the shooting will be wrapped up in quick schedules. Shruthi Haasan has been roped in as the female lead of this high octane action entertainer. Arvind Swamy sports the role of main villain of the movie.
Tentatively titled as ‘Rakshak’, the movie will be produced by Mega Producer Allu Aravind on Geetha Arts. The movie is expected to be a sure shot blockbuster. As we know, original version of the movie ‘Thani Oruvan’ was a blockbuster in Tamil Nadu.