Wamiqa Gabbi who has made debut with recently released Bhale Manchi Roju has grabbed eyeballs with her sexy looks and confident performance in BMR. Wamiqa is getting few handsome offers from Telugu cinema now. She is being very choosy and picking right offers.
Wamiqa is all set to play one of the heroines in Nikhil’s upcoming film directed by Tiger fame VI Anand. Nikhil is going to romance three heroines for the first time in his career. Avika Gor and Kumari 21F fame Hebah Patel were already signed up as the other two female leads.
Meanwhile Bhale Manchi Roju had a pretty decent weekend at the box office and is going steady with the word of mouth being positive. Wamiqa is hoping to have some more good films to her profile so that she can get the attention of big stars.