Following the blockbuster success of Bhale Bhale Magadivoi, Nani is back in the reckoning and he is now shooting for two back-to-back films. Of these two, his immediate project with Andhala Rakshasi director Hanu Raghavapudi is nearing completion.
Yet-to-be-titled, the Nani-Hanu film is being produced by one of the top banners in Tollywood, 14 Reels. As per out source from the production house, the film’s title and the first look poster will be unveiled on January 1 as a New Year treat.
Touted to be a fresh and an exciting love story, the film’s audio album will be released on the 10th January and the theatrical trailer will be released along with the Sankranthi festival releases. Finally, the film will be released on the 5th of February.