Known as South India’s Aamir Khan, hero Vikram always picks up films that have substance, a in-depth characterisation and a strong role to portray. That’s why his acting and performance never fail, though the result at Box office may topple.
Latest update is that Vikram will wear the shoes of “Garuda”. This is the film that is being promoted as a 500+ crores visual effects extravaganza to be directed by SS Rajamouli. Post Baahubali 2, our director might think about taking this film to sets. But if your thoughts are running wildly that way, then its time to apply brakes.
Under director Thiru’s captaincy, Vikram is teaming up with Kajal Agarwal for “Garuda”, a Tamil-Telugu bilingual that will have an action entertainment backdrop. That’s how Vikram grabbed the title, but not Rajamouli’s film itself.