Power Star Kalyan joined twitter bandwagon on January 1, 2015 and completed one year on 1st of January, 2016. He has got 7.45 lakh followers in one year and which is a rare feat. Moreover, Pawan Kalyan’s tweets are mostly confined to politics and never ever has he used the social media to promote his films unlike other top stars of Tollywood. ‘1year of pspk’ hash tag is currently trending.
Pawan Kalyan’s ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’ is being canned at a rapid pace of its shoot now. The movie’s shoot will be wrapped up by the month end of February. Kajal Aggarwal is romancing Pawan Kalyan in this film.
KS Ravindra (Bobby) is directing this action and comedy entertainer. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music of the movie. The movie is being produced by North Star Entertainment. May 11 is the tentative date of release of the movie.