Mumbai: The year 2015 was undoubtedly Kangana Ranaut’s year! From ruling the box office with ‘TWMR’ to becoming the highest paid actress in Bollywood, and even broking a few long standing norms in the industry, Kangana saw it all this year. Here’s a look at her defining moments in 2015.
With total collection of more than 300 cr. Kangana’s ‘TWMR’ become the first and only female centric film till date to cross that mark. That’s not all, after Salman Khan’s ‘Bajrangi Bahijaan’, it’s Kanagana’s ‘TWMR’ which occupies the second highest collection spot of 2015. Her double role in the film was regarded as the best double role in the history of Bollywood, by the likes of Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khana, Ranbir Kapoor etc.
After giving what can easily be called the ‘performance of the year’ with ‘TWMR’, Kangana became the highest paid actress commanding a staggering fee of Rs.11 crore for one of her upcoming projects. Kangana was also invited to speak at the most prestigious ‘Women in the World summit’. This was the first time when an Indian actress was invited to speak at this platform.
Kangna went for the Paris fashion week to attend the Dior show. While quite a few actresses have visited the show in the past few years, Kangana was the first Indian actress to be invited for the front row and was dressed exclusively by the Dior couture. Post the super successful run of ‘TWMR’ at the box office, Kangana went on to signing 6 big brands in just 6 months, a feet no other actress at any given point has been able to achieve in such a short timeframe.
She also topped the pole on the biggest international fashion website Red carpets, when she attended the premiere of ‘Queen’ in the fashion capital of the world – Paris. Kangana was the very first Bollywood actress to top a fashion poll on this website. With so many firsts…Kangana truly ruled the year 2015, Queen style.