It is quite unfortunate that a big hero like ‘Ilayathalapathy’ Vijay is facing hurdles for the release of his latest movie ‘Thalaiva’. He is facing the iron hand of Tamilnadu government led by Jayalalitha preventing the movie’s release. Earlier Kamal Hassan’s Viswaroopam was also put to torture in the same way by Jaya’s team. Though Thailava made it to theatres worldwide, and its Telugu version ‘Anna’ running all over Andhra Pradesh, the movie failed to release in Tamilnadu state where Vijay happens to be the super star.
The other day Vijay has publicly condemned the act of government with an emotional heart, and still ‘Thalaiva’ is not authorized by Jaya government for release. The reason is simple, the film is education audiences about the real service these political parties are doing, and it touched Jaya at right spot.