The mega wait is over. Finally, Shruti Haasan will be sharing screen space with her father Kamal Haasan. Ever since Shruti made her acting debut with Luck, everyone inside and outside industry have been looking for the duo to team up. At last, Shruti is going to act alongside her veteran dad Kamal. If this itself is not enough for fans to rejoice and go berserk, here’s the big news. The duo is going to play father, daughter on screen.
Apparently, the director of Kamal’s next Rajeev Kumar is toying with the idea of casting Shruti in his film alongside Kamal. In this film, Shruti and Kamal would be seen as daughter, father. However, an official confirmation is awaited.
Meanwhile, there is another possibility of Shruti and Kamal joining forces for a new film altogether. This is under discussion stage and this would take some time. But as of now, the two Haasans working on a film together is confirmed.