Actor Nandoo, who plays an important role in Dasarath’s next yet-untitled Telugu outing, says the director has certainly pushed the envelope with the project. “Unlike his regular films that are usually high on entertainment, he has attempted something different this time. I think it will be a big leap for him career-wise. He’s venturing into a genre he hasn’t worked in so far,” Nandoo told IANS.
“It’s an interesting story with twists with turns,” he said. Paired with Regina Cassandra, Nandoo plays a role with multiple shades. Actor Manchu Manoj plays the main lead in the movie, which is gearing up for release soon.
“I’ve known Dasarath since the time I’ve entered the industry. He’s been one of my guiding forces. When he approached me with an offer, I just couldn’t refuse,” said Nandoo, who also has Telugu romantic-drama “Pellichoopulu” in his kitty. Nandoo is also busy shooting for his yet-untitled debut Kannada project.