One of the costliest sets has been erected for Pawan Kalyan’s current movie in Hyderabad. Presently the movie’s shoot is progressing in Jubilee Hills and a huge set is created that is said to be made with more than Rs 5 Cr budget. This lavish set was created on suggestion of Pawan Kalyan who is said to be tired of doing the scenes in outdoors as the locations the team had chosen is not satisfactory to him. Hence the art director recreated the vision of Pawan Kalyan at a private land in Jubilee Hills.
Sardar Gabbar Singh’s shoot is already under progress in Hyderabad and it will continue till this month end. As we reported earlier, Pawan Kalyan would not be participating in the campaign of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation elections which are scheduled to be held in the third week of January. Although BJP and TDP have asked him to join the campaign, he reportedly declined their request.
Pawan Kalyan is planning to complete the movie’s shoot by March end and ready it for April 8th release. Directed by Bobby, the movie is produced by his friend Sharat Marar and Eros International. Kajal Agarwal is also joining the shoot of the movie.