Mumbai: Bollywood star Girish Kumar and his lovely co-star Navneet Kaur Dhillon, came together to launch the trailer of their upcoming rom-com ‘romantic-comedy ‘Loveshhuda‘. At the launch event, the two stars set the ball rolling with a live performance of their sexy dance number. The stars sat down for an interaction with their Vaibhav Misra and producer Vijay Galani. Talking about his film and experience working with his director, Girish said, “I wish to have many hits 10 years down the line. Vaibhav has written a fabulous script. It is a very real story and has many layers to it.”
With the trailer starting off with a one-night stand, we just had to ask the leading man if he has ever felt adventurous before and been through similar situations. However, Girish avoided the question saying his family was present at the event. The actor coyly said, “Let my one-night stand be a secret.” Girish, who was last seen in 2013’s ‘Ramaiya Vatsavaiya’, had only kind words for his leading lady. He said, “Shruti Hasan and Navneet, both are hard working. The film required a fresh face so we signed her.”
The film, considered being a fresh and quirky love story, will mark the debut of former Miss World 2013 Navneet in the film industry. When asked about her debut role and her time on the sets, Navneet said, “I thank the Miss India contest for bagging ‘Loveshhuda’. Talent is very important. I feel that I am a born actress. Beauty pageants and acting are two different things.”
The starlet also said that her director Vaibhav scolded her on the sets, and that she learned a lot from Girish.
Talking about the film’s kissing scenes that may run into censor board trouble, Girish said, “We are trying to do real thing as a youth centric film.”