Just a day after it was confirmed that the Aamir Khan would no longer be a part of the Incredible India campaigns, the actor replied with grace and said, “It is the prerogative of the government to decide whether they need a brand ambassador for any campaign, and if so, who that ambassador should be. I respect the decision of the government to discontinue with my services.”
According to Mahesh Sharma, the Tourism and Culture minister, Aamir Khan will no longer be a part of Incredible India because the government’s contract with the agency had expired and that it was the agency’s decision to engage Khan in the ads.
Khan, who was recently in news due to his concerns on religious intolerance in India further said, “I would like to clarify that all public service films I have done till date have all been free of any cost to me, Whether I am brand ambassador or not, India will remain Incredible, and that’s the way it should be“.
In November 2015, Khan showed his concerns towards the minorities who were being treated with intolerance. His wife Kiran also spoke about her fear of living in India.