Pawan Kalyan’s visit to the Sound Room in Mahavir Showroom located in Hyderabad on Thursday is giving rise to many queries. Taking a break from the shooting of ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’, Our Jana Sena Supremo went to Mahavir Showroom the other day.
General Manager Chinnam Jayachandra explained to the actor-turned-politician the kind of quality their Sound Room delivers. Photographs taken during Pawan Kalyan’s visit were shared through Mahavir Showroom’s Facebook page.
After all, Who wouldn’t want to make good use of a Celebrity visit to their store! No one knew why Pawan Kalyan showed keen interest in knowing about the Sound Room.
Without a specific reason, He won’t be spending such good amount of time in a place. Isn’t that true? On the film front, Pawan Kalyan’s much-awaited film ‘Sardaar Gabbar Singh’ is shaping up well and would live up to the expectations set the by 2012 Blockbuster.