National-Award winning actress Priya Mani has donned new hat. Priya Mani tested her hand at singing as she lent her voice for a Kannada film. Priya recorded a number for the film ‘Devravne Budu Guru’ which stars Akul Balaji in the lead role.
Akul and Priya participated in a dance reality show and both share good rapport. It’s Akul who convinced Priya to sing a song in the album. What’s surprising is that even Akul didn’t know that Priya has agreed to sing the song.
It’s been kept as secret and he was told that someone he knows well has sung the song. He was kept guessing for the days and finally he got to know that it’s Priya Mani after she spoke to him over phone after the song recording.
It’s learnt that the song is very tough song as one has to sing in three different ways. Notwithstanding that it’s her first song, Priya said to have done great job.