Popular TV and film actor Rajesh Vivek Upadhyay passed away in Hyderabad on Thursday. He was 66 year old. Rajesh suffered heart attack on Thursday afternoon at around 3.30 PM while he was shooting for a regional film in Hyderabad. He succumbed to the stroke.
Rajesh was well-known for his role Guran, an astrologer, in Aamir Khan’s Oscar nominated movie Lagaan. Rajesh later acted in SRK’s Swades as a postman. Despite brief roles, Rajesh carved a niche for himself. He was recently seen in Telugu movie Yevade Subramanyam.
Before making a mark on silver screen, Rajesh was part of several iconic TV shows like Bharat Ki Khoj, Mahabharat and Ighori to name a few. He was first indtroduced by Shyam Benegal in his film Junoon inĀ 1978 and since then he never looked back. His last rites are going to be performed today in Mumbai.