Well-known comedian Sapthagiri is all set to turn as lead hero. Sapthagiri will be making his debut as hero in an upcoming film. The yet-to-be-titled movie will have direction by yesteryear director Sagar. Sagar was guru for ace directors like Sreenu Vaitla, VV Vinayak, AS Ravi Kumar Chowdary and Nageshwar Reddy.
Now buzz is that Sagar’s old students Vaitla, Vinayak, AS Ravi Kumar and Nageshwar Reddy are helping their Guru on this film. The movie will be produced by AS Ravi Kumar Chowdary.
Stating that the movie is to be made on good subject, Sagar says he is quite happy to get help from his students. AS Ravi Kumar Chowdary too content and says, “Sagar garu was the man who was responsible for our growth in the industry. This movie is like a felicitation to him from all our students. More details will be announced soon.”
After Pilla Nuvvu Leni Jeevitham success, Chowdary tasted a dud in form of Soukyam. Now he is foraying into production. Let’s wait and see.