It is now official that Boyapati will not be directing Balakrishna’s much-awaited 100th movie. Balakrishna himself gave clarity about his next movie when Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao enquired about his 100th movie. According to inside sources, CM KCR congratulated Balakrishna on reaching the milestone of 100th movie as actor and also enquired him when he would be launching. Reacting to this, Balakrishna reportedly spilled the beans about his next film.
“I will be making sequel to my Aditya 369 as my 100th movie. We will be launching shortly and I will meet you again for the invitation of movie launch,” Balakrishna reportedly told KCR. Till now Boyapati was hoping to direct Balayya for this milestone movie but his hopes were dashed off. Boyapati gave two massive hits to Balayya in the form of “Simha” in 2010 and “Legend” in 2014. Hence Boyapati was hoping to direct the Nandamuri star for the third time but Balayya has other plans.
His 100th movie will now be directed by veteran director Singeetam Srinivas Rao. Buzz is that his son Mokshagna will also be making a cameo appearance in “Aditya 999”, sequel to “Aditya 369”, like Akhil did in “Manam”. Balakrishna today met KCR related to his Basavatarakam Cancer Hospital development works.