Dimpled Dehradun beauty Lavanya Tripathi made her Tollywood debut with the 2012 romantic drama, Andhala Rakshasi. Lavanya charmed the viewers with her intense performance and gorgeous looks. Since then, the talented actress appeared in several movies in Telugu and Tamil but didn’t find a solid success.
However, Lavanya’s romantic comedy with Nani, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, turned out to be a surprising blockbuster of 2015 as it collected a whopping 25 crores. The slender beauty didn’t stop with this and immediately followed it up with yet another blockbuster with Nagarjuna’s Soggade Chinni Nayana this Sankranthi.
With two back-to-back blockbusters in hand, Lavanya is that one rare actress who is on the verge of a hat-trick. The actress’ con comedy thriller Lachchimdeviki O Lekkundi (LOL) is gearing up for a release on the 29th Jan.
Lavanya plays a crucial role in the film as the entire story revolves her. In the industry where it hardly takes one flop for an actress to be branded as an iron leg, Lavanya will surely be hailed as a golden leg, if she strikes a hat-trick with LOL.