Young Tiger NTR’s Nannaku Prematho had crossed its 48 Crore share Worldwide by the end of the second weekend run at the box office. For the movie to touch 50 Crore share mark, tomorrow’s Republic day holiday is very important. If Nannaku Prematho manages to touch the 50 Crore share mark, it is the first such film for the actor. It has to get 54 Crore share in its full run to attain HIT status.
Here is the breakup of Nannaku Prematho 12 days Collections:
Nizam: 9.78 Crore
Ceeded: 5.75 Crore
Uttarandhra: 3.42 Crore
East: 2.86 Crore
West: 2.33 Crore
Krishna: 2.20 Crore
Guntur: 2.98 Crore
Nellore: 1.36 Crore
AP+Nizam: 30.68 Crore
Total WW: 48 Crore Approx.