Actress Lavanya Tripathi scored back to back hits with Nani starrer Bhale Bhale Magadivoy and Nagarjuna’s Soggade Chinni Nayana. Due to the success spree, the actress is getting some plum offers in Telugu.
Meanwhile, Lavanya’s new film Lachimdeviki O Lekkundi (LOL) scheduled to release on January 29th has got good buzz among the trade circles. Naveen Chandra is lead actor in the film, although makers are promoting it as a female centric movie with the successful Lavanya playing main lead role.
LOL is the caption for the film which represents it is going to have adequate hilarity. This is second combination film for Naveen and Lavanya after Andala Rakshasi. Directed by SS Rajamouli’s protegee Jagadish Talasila, LOL has music scored by MM Keeravani.
Makers have increased film promotions after Lavanya’s Soggade Chinni Nayana got positive talk. In fact, if BBM and SCN haven’t done such good business at the box office, then there would be some delay in LOL release.
They have only taken the quick decision as to cash on Lavanya’s current craze. Fortunately, the movie has done good pre release business, as per trade reports. Let’s see whether Lavanya will continue the success spree with LOL or not!