As expected, Prince Mahesh has been walked away with prestigious IIFA Best Male Actor award for his dazzling performance in ‘Srimanthudu’. In an eye-catching event of ‘IIFA Utsavam’ held yesterday at Gachiowli Stadium, Hyderabad, Mahesh received the award from King Nagarjuna.
” Srimanthudu is the best film in my career and I am happy to receive this award. I like to thank my producers and I will be grateful towards them,” says the jubilant Mahesh. Apart from best male actor, ‘Srimanthudu’ also bagged awards from the categories like leading actress, supporting actor, best musician and playback singers and best lyricist awards.
On the other hand, ‘Baahugali’ received major share of awards winning them in the categories such as best director, best movie, best villain, best supporting actress and best female playback singer.