The legendary actor N T Rama Rao has done many films in his career and gave many big hits in Tollywood. None of his films were actually remade except one or two. But now, the filmnagar circles are revealing that there is one film which is being considered for a remake and that too with Nagarjuna in it.
We are talking about the film ‘Vishwamitra’ which was directed by Dasari Narayana Rao. This was one of the last films of NTR during the final stages of his career. Now, it is heard that Dasari wants to remake the film and make it a success. For that he has reportedly approached Nagarjuna to do the title role.
Dasari is reportedly thinking Nag is the right choice because the senior hero is willing to experiment in different roles and he has already done few devotional and offbeat roles. After a masala film like ‘Bhai’ if Nag is really taking up this film it will be a very variety experience for his fans and audience.