After the stupendous success of Bhale Bhale Magadivoy, Nani teamed up with director Hanu Raghavapudi for Krishna Gadi Veera Prema Gadha. Naturally, expectations on the film are high. Adding to this, the film’s teaser and trailer garnered enough buzz. Buoyed with this, 14 Reels Entertainment is gearing up to release the film on Feb 12 on high note. Though initially makers wanted to release the film for Feb 5, it’s later pushed as per the understanding with the producers of Speedunnodu.
This is important film for director Hanu Raghavapudi who failed to score a commercial success with his debut Andala Rakshasi. Also, it’s equally crucial for hero Nani as it needs to be seen how he plans his career after big success like BBM. Earlier in the past too, Nani got good hit like Eega. But he failed to continue that success streak then. Now Nani is keen that he shouldn’t repeat such mistakes again and planning nicely.
Hence, producers have chalked out good publicity strategy to promote the film as there’s enough time before release. Let’s see whether Nani would continue his success streak or not.