The 50-year-old master actor and filmmaker Prakash Raj has once again become a proud father. This morning, Prakash Raj’s choreographer wife Pony Verma delivered a baby boy. Prakash Raj himself revealed this news on twitter.
The talented actor tweeted, “Hi .. Me and pony are happy share with you this moment of joy in our life.. We had a lovely baby boy.. Today .. Bless him. Cheers.” Soon after he broke the much joyous news, Prakash and Pony were drenched in congratulatory tweets from fans and other celebrities.
This is the fourth time that Prakash Raj turned a father. Prakash has two grown up daughters from his first marriage to Lalitha Kumari. His only son, Siddhu, passed away in 2004 due the injuries sustained after a tragic fall while flying kites, when he was just 5 years old.