Superstar Krishna is making comeback to silver screen with a revenge drama film Sri Sri. The film is very special for Krishna as it marks his silver jubilee (50 years) in industry. To make this film a memorable one for his dad, Mahesh Babu will be attending the film’s audio launch event to be held at Shilpa Kala Vedika on February 18th.
Off late, Mahesh Babu is gracing audio launch functions of other stars. So, he is delighted to gratify his dad and family fans by making his presence for Sri Sri audio event. Apart from Mahesh, others from Krishna’s family and several industry bigwigs are likely to grace the ceremony.
Krishna is playing the role of common man who is inspired by legendary revolutionary poet Sri Sri. Krishna’s wife Vijaya Nirmala and senior actor Naresh are other lead cast in the movie that is being directed by Muppalaneni Siva. Meanwhile, Sri Sri is in last leg of shooting and the makers are planning to release the film in summer.