CPI leader Narayana has made sensational comments over Jana Sena Party chief and cine actor powerstar Pawan Kalyan today over his political moves and acts. Narayana criticized Pawan Kalyan stating he was behaving like a Shikandi in Andhra Pradesh politics.
Narayana further said that, Pawan Kalyan is coming forward to media only to save Chandrababu Naidu whenever agitations are taking place in the state. “Chandrababu has been encouraging caste politics. Can he assure the inclusion of Kapus in BC list,” he questioned.
It may be recalled that, when Kapu reservation agitation turned violent, Pawan Kalyan called off Sardaar Gabbar Singh shooting in Kerala and rushed to Hyderabad to address a press conference regarding the issue.
Pawan Kalyan then urged Andhra Pradesh government to find a harmonious solution to the issue before the situation goes out of control and fulfil the election promise.