Telugu Film Industry people now saying that we have found our own Kamal Haasan in Telugu in form of Nani. As Nani defies conventional commercial hero and tries to experiment with myriad roles, he’s been revered as Kamal Haasan of Telugu Cinema. Senior actor Brahmaji, who rarely gives compliments, went on to state Nani as Kamal Haasan of Telugu Cinema.
This is not all. Brahmaji shared that it wasn’t easy to act alongside Nani who does it with ease. He said he’s fortunate to work with an actor like Nani stressing that he is saying this after being in film industry for decades. Heaping praises on Nani further, Brahmaji attacked gen-X heroes.
“All young heroes should learn from Nani. Punch dialogues won’t suit to young heroes. They suit to stars, superstars who have been in industry from longtime. See how Nani won’t do anything extra other than what his character needs in the film.
He’s really good actor,” said Brahmaji much to surprise of many. With his latest offing Krishna Gaadi Veera Prema Gaadha opened to hit talk and faring well at the ticket windows, ‘Natural Star’ Nani has now one of the most happening heroes in Telugu. But whether he could match upto Kamal Haasan or not, only time will tell.