Finally after several months long silence, the buzz is back on Megapower Star Ram Charan’s next film, an official remake of Tamil blockbuster Thani Oruvan. The film will have its formal launch on February 18 and the regular shooting will kickstart from the 21st.
Tentatively titled Dhruva, the film is said to be releasing on August 5. Now, just a week later, NTR’s Janatha Garage will be hitting the marquee as the makers have already announced that they are aiming at a 12th August release for Janatha Garage.
If Dhruva turns out to be a hit, no doubt that it will make the Janatha Garage’s team to delay their release. Incidentally, Ram Charan’s previous film Bruce Lee was said to be the primary reason behind the postponement of Akhil Akkineni’s debut film, Akhil.
While this could be totally unplanned, Ram Charan’s films clashing with other stars films has indeed become a norm. We will also have to wait and see if both the films’ units wrap up their respective projects on time in the first place, before even worrying about the clash.