Mega Power Star Ram Charan took a daring decision when his films are not clicking at box office. Remakes have less chance to perform; however, Ram Charan chose to remake Tamil flick Thani Oruvan in Telugu. Some say, he was right, since the film has a strong content.
In fact, Jayam Ravi who played protagonist in Tamil version feels happy for Ram Charan doing the Telugu remake. “After I came to know that Ram Charan is doing Thani Oruvan in Telugu, I felt happy because this film will not be spoiled. I am confident now and he is a wonderful actor,” said Jayam Ravi in an interview to a Telugu channel.
Thani Oruvan is a stylish and racy action entertainer, where protagonist will be seen as a cop. This will be second film for Charan playing a police officer. Previously, he was seen in such role in Toofan (Zanjeer).
Speculations are rife that, Dhruva is the title being considered for the movie to be launched on 18th of this month. Directed by Surender Reddy, the film will have Rakul Preet Singh playing Charan’s love interest. Allu Aravind will produce the movie on Geetha Arts Banner. Hope, Dhruva will provide much needed break for Ram Charan!