Among the big four of Tollywood, the names of Nandamuri Natasimham Balakrishna and megastar Chiranjeevi are heard a lot these days. The reason being, both stars are reaching a milestone in their career in terms of the films. Chiru is doing his 150th and Balayya is doing his 100th.
However, both seem to be in opposite poles right now. For Chiru’s movie the team has struggled a lot to decide on the script and finally they locked the remake of the Tamil film ‘Kaththi’. But that became an issue in terms of the story rights and they are working it out.
On the other hand, Balayya has got a flood of offers and sources say he is in a dilemma as to which one he should choose for his 100th movie. Many felt it was going to be ‘Aditya 999’ but now few other names are being heard. All in all, both Balayya and Chiru are in a tight spot.