Mega Prince Varun Tej tasted a big flop with his last film, Loafer. He was to work with his Kanche director, Krish in a new project titled Rayabhari. But the project was shelved with out going on to sets.
Later they said Varun will be working with a new comer, Venkee Atluri in a film titled ‘Feel My Love’. But now rumours are emerging that Varun Tej gave a green signal to Srinu Vaitla. It is said that Vaitla dropped his famous Comedy genre and narrated a Love Story for Varun.
It impressed Varun a lot and he reportedly gave green signal to him despite Vaitla giving a miserable flop to his brother, Ram Charam. Varun Tej is desperately in need of a big hit now. He is trying his level best to establish as a star hero.
On the other side, Vaitla is also in slump following two back to back disasters with Aagadu and Bruce Lee. And so if this project materializes, it will be very important for both of them.