From the past few days there were rumours that Megastar Chiranjeevi will be quitting Congress Party and joining BJP. The rumour mills have also set a muhurath for his joining. They said he will join the saffron party on March 6th which is when BJP President Amit Shah is coming to Rajahmundry for a public meeting.
“I have no thought of changing party. I will stay in Congress till I am in politics. Please put a full stop to these rumours now,” Chiranjeevi appealed to media. Congress Party is almost finished in AP after it aided State Division. Chiranjeevi as Chief election campaigner led the party to Zero seats in the last elections.
The rumours of Chiranjeevi’s party change keep cropping up every now and then. Since Pawan Kalyan is staying close to BJP, the rumours say he brokered deal with BJP high command for his brother. But now with Chiranjeevi’s clarification, the rumours can be laid to rest.