In a shocking update, Jabardasth comedy show actor Chammak Chandra is in a soup for reportedly ‘using’ an actress for his sex needs. Small time B grade actress Swathi Naidu released a video talking about all the selfish sex acts of Chammak Chandra on aspirant actresses, giving them a bait of Jabardasth and movie offers.
According to Swathi Naidu, Chammak Chandra is forcing girls into sex for his own pleasure at a private apartment, tempting them with film offers and later giving them nothing. The actress vents her frustration and anger on comedian for using many girls for sex and not settling them at least with the promised money, leave apart the movie offers.
At a point, Swathi admits that prostitution in nothing wrong when an actress does not have money, but dumping her after having pleasure is indeed a wrong one! It is not known whether Swathi Naidu is talking behalf of any other girl or just about herself, but sure she attacked the Jabardasth comedian with this video.
Holding Chammak Chandra responsible for any unfortunate incident that happens on her in future, the lady claims this revelation is for betterment of many other girls getting trapped each day.