Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh is nearing the last leg of its shooting part and the film is gearing up for a grand release on April 8. Recently, the film was in news for being shot simultaneously with different units, helmed by cinematographers Arthur Wilson and I Andrew.
It is already known that Pawan is the sole ‘Karta, Karma and Kriya’ of Sardaar as he penned the script himself and is also taking proper care of each and every shot on the location. Recently, the horse mela scene was shot in a huge set with nearly 1000 extras and using multiple cameras at Ramoji Film City.
As per the inside buzz, Pawan drove his police bullet, which he is using as his ride in the film, to the three shooting units which were shooting from three various distances and angles.
Pawan was so particular about the scene that he personally checked the footage shot by all the units and gave his nod to the scene only after he was satisfied with the output. We will have to wait until the film’s release to experience the grandeur of this much hyped horse mela sequence and how Pawan’s bullet supervision fares.