This morning we have seen a news of Creative director Krishna Vamsi directing Nandamuri Balakrishna’s Prestigious 100th project. There are more rumours floating about the film all of sudden. It is said that Nara Rohit will be seen in a guest appearance in the film while Tarakaratna will be playing the villain role.
The Creative director was planning to direct the actor for a very long time and even had the script readied long ago. Finally the actor gave his nod for the project. This film will go on floors in May. Krishna Vamsi already started the pre-production work and is also working on the casting of the film.
This is revealed by a report of a news agency and is to be confirmed officially. Balakrishna is keen on bagging a huge success with this film. His last two films – Lion and Dictator ended up as big disasters. He wants to make amends for that with this film. A hit here will ensure that the prestigious 100th film is etched in the memory of fans for a long long time.