Oopiri’ trailer launch happened at Hyderabad. Both Akkineni Naga Chaitanya and Akhil launched the much awaited trailer and sadly Nagarjuna was not present in that event. The trailer is still not yet revealed in YouTube due to technical glitches. However screen caps from the trailer is doing rounds on Social media.
Akhil Akkineni who watched the trailer said that he became so emotional after watching his dad in such a role. He thanked Director Vamsi Padipally for showing his dad in a new dimension. Now there are few speculations that, if ‘Oopiri’ does well at Box-office.
Akhil will go with Vamsi Padipally for his second project. Else the guessing game will continue. Akhil had a disappointing debut and he is looking forward towards the right script and director to have a relaunch.
Naga Chaitanya who spoke at the event said he is proud of his father and this movie will be a huge success in his career. The movie is slated for a release on 25th of March. It will also have a Tamil release simultaneously.