Presently the Indian Cricket Association has shifted the World T20 India-Pakistan match from Dharmashala to Kolkata. The HPCA Stadium will miss an opportunity for hosting matches for the forthcoming season of the Indian Premier League also.
Presently the Kings XI Punjab team has made a proposal to shift the venue from HPCA to VCA Stadium which is located in Nagpur. The team has got the changes approved from the Indian Cricket Board (BCCI). As per the recent agenda, the BCCI hasn’t included Dharmashala venue for any IPL matches.
The change is made as the Himachal Government charges huge amount for the security of the players and the Officials and also levies Entertainment tax during the IPL matches. The Kings XI team has made the request to the BCCI by January itself and has chosen Nagpur as their home venue.
The HPCA spokesperson Sanjay Sharma has stated Franchisees are not interested to take risk in hosting matches in Dharmashala as there is political interference by the Congress led State Government. It is also said HPCA’s image is spoiled as the association president is from BJP party. When BJP was in full power in Dharmashala the venue was the home venue for Kings XI team for a period of four years from 2010-2013.