The controversy between Bandla Ganesh and hero Sachin Joshi is well known to every one. Sachin Joshi alleged fraud on Bandla and had initiated criminal and Civil Proceedings against him over Nee Jathaga Nenundali movie. Sachin invested the money for the movie and Ganesh who should take care of the production and distribution, allegedly cheated Sachin with inflated rates in production and under reporting in distribution.
While the issue is in courts, Sachin Joshi is occasionally calling Bandla worst possible names. Recently, on Bandla’s Birthday, Sachin called him a fraud and owed to stop all the releases of his projects. The actors who have committed to Bandla are now not interested to work with him. They clearly told him to settle the issues before starting the project. So Bandla is looking for an out of court settlement with Sachin Joshi but the later is not interested.
There are lot of controversies regarding the finances of Bandla Ganesh. It is always astonishing to see a small time comedian grow in to big producer in Tollywood. Earlier there were allegations that Ganesh is a binami for Congress leader and Ex-Minister Botsa Satya Narayana. But Ganesh says it is all farce and the money is his hard earned income through poultry business.