With his much anticipated debut film Akhil tanking miserably at the box-office, Akhil along with his father Nagarjuna took a lot of time to lock the director and a suitable script for his second film. Names of directors such as Sreenu Vaitla, Krish, Vamshi Paidipally and Kalyan Krishna etc did several rounds as Akhil’s second film director until a few days ago.
But as per our confirmed sources, Akhil finally got some breather in the form of Oopiri director Vamshi Paidipally. Vamshi has been finalized by Nagarjuna to direct Akhil’s second film. Apparently, Nag was highly impressed with the way Vamshi intelligently handled an emotional drama with a lot of fun and fizz in Oopiri.
Sources further reveal that Nag and Vamshi are currently working on the right script and an official announcement will be made soon after Oopiri releases on March 25th. Early buzz is that Akhil’s second film could be a romantic entertainer.