In a span of two years, Sai Dharam Tej emerged as most sought-after hero for Mid-Range Films. Several factors have helped him reach a stage where he is Today, be it Background or Talent or Discipline.
When analyzed Sai Dharam Tej’s career, One gets to know that his success ratio is good with two of his three releases so far ending as hits. Luckily for him, The only failure, ‘Rey’ has fallen in the account of YVS Chowdhary. Even though Harish Shankar’s ‘Subrahmanyam For Sale’ opened to mixed response, it managed to collect a Worldwide share of Rs 18.32 crore to attain Above Average status.
Investing anywhere between Rs 18-20 crore on the project starring Sai Dharam Tej is a safe bet. Not a surprise, Producers of medium-budget films were queuing up before this Mega Hero.
In case if ‘Surpeme’ joins Rs 30 crore club, Then Sai Dharam Tej may join the big league in the next few years. Hardwork Pays Off!!