The southern superstar Rajinikanth has been recently teaming up with Bollywood actresses in some of his films for example the super hit film ‘Enthiran’ with beauty queen Aishwarya Rai Bacchhan and his forthcoming film with Deepika Padukone, ‘Kochadaiyaan’. His pairing with Aishwarya was chiefly praised in the song titled ‘Oh Baby’ and we expect the same kind of result from his upcoming movie.
Latest reports say that the southern celebrity will work opposite Vidya Balan, the successful actress of ‘The Dirty Picture’ fame, in his next venture with K.V. Anand. The particulars about the film are being kept a secret until his film with Padukone hits the theatres.
Rumors also say that in the upcoming 66th Cannes Film Festival this year, the jury members will include the talented actress Vidya Balan while Rajinikanth’s film Kochadaiyaan’s trailer will be presented at the festival which will most probably be held on May 15.