Death of comedy actor MS Narayana was a huge loss to the whole industry. He is quite often known for the drunkard characters. But most of them don’t know that he drank in real life too.Speaking about the same issue, his daughter M.S.Sasi Kiran revealed some shocking truths about her father. She said that drinking was his real companion. MS Narayana never cared about his career and he drank all through his career.
However he had the habit to drink only after wrapping the shoots.She also added that as he stopped drinking suddenly his body never coped up and that led to lots of complications and he kicked the bucket at an early stage. She also said her father and her whole family were okay with his drinking habit as he toiled hard for the family and struggled big time.
But still Tollywood has definitely lost a leading comedian for drinking habit. This is a big loss which can never be compensated.