Do you know that hero from the Mega stable, Varun Tej, did not take remuneration for working in Krish-directed Kanche.”I am trying to grow up as an actor and remuneration is not of much importance at this stage for me,” says the hero. But, based on the business returns, he says, he has been given ‘some’ honorarium.
Varun Tej says he is giving more importance to new and innovative storylines and tells us that he has heard over 25 stories post-Loafer.He says he has great relations with his three past producers and hence they are re-casting him in their next projects.
Varun, who did Loafer after Kanche with literally no break, is enjoying a three month break. Then he will work with Krish again and then in a Malineni Gopichand directed movie.So, this young hero has learnt the art of balancing the offbeat movies with commercial ones.