Popular comedian Shakalaka Shankar of Jabardasth fame tied the knot with his maternal uncle’s daughter Parvathi at Arasavalli Suryanarayana Swamy temple in Srikakukam yesterday. Shankar had a very low-key wedding with only close friends and family members gracing the occasion and he apparently didn’t invite any of his peers from the film industry.
Shankar said that he didn’t want to spend excess money on his wedding and added that he will donate the money to provide clothes and cricket kits to poor students who are residing in state government welfare hostels in his hometown. Shankar also vowed to take part in social service even in the future.
After gaining popularity in TV circuit with his imitation of Ram Gopal Varma, Shankar quickly rose to fame in films. The actor currently has 15 films in hand. Shankar was last seen in Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh where he acted as one of the constables.