The tragic suicide of Balika Vadhu actress Pratyusha Banerjee is taking dramatic turns with each passing day. In an interview given to a national media house after he came out of bail, Pratyusha’s boyfriend Rahul Raj Singh alleged that Pratyusha was under severe financial stress of late and in the process she turned alcoholic and even abused drugs.
“She had been taking drugs and alcohol and could go out of control at times, and most of her friends know about it,” Rahul revealed before adding that Pratyusha had taken a huge amount of loan from HDFC, Citi Bank and Kotak Mahindra banks and even 7 lakhs from her uncle, much against his warnings about the consequences.
Rahul went on to state that Pratyusha was unable to pay Rs. 25 lakhs of service tax and that she was in no position to pay even the monthly salary to her maid and that he used to pay for the rent of the flat they used to live-in together. Rahul also said that Pratyusha would never ask him for money due to her ego.