The Guntur police have arrested a fraudster named Anil for allegedly duping people and carrying out anti-social activities and real estate settlements in the capital region. Anil was claiming to be the own brother of the state’s ministers Kollu Ravindra and Chinarajappa.
Anil’s modus operandi even stunned the cops. He used to directly call police stations and government offices and threw his weight around by using high-end vehicles with MP and MLA stickers to con everyone during his settlements in Amaravati and surrounding areas.
So far, Anil was charged with offenses in several land disputes and extortions. After being tipped about his activities, the Guntur police kept a strict vigil on his movements and nabbed him finally. Anil confessed to his crimes after police interrogated him in their style. The cops recovered Rs. 30,000, 2 cars, weapons and 4 mobile phones and a laptop from Anil.