Pratyusha was in news a year ago when she was allegedly tortured by her father and step-mother. She was then adopted by none other than the Telangana CM K Chandrasekhar Rao. She was then sent to girls’ hostel. This gesture from him was hailed by many at that time.
She had dinner with KCR as well as his family members few days ago and also passed her Inter exams successfully. She later informed officials that she would be soon joining the B Sc (Nursing) course for her career. It turned out to be an inspiration for many others.
But now sources say that Pratyusha more or less has given a shock to the Chief Minister. She reportedly told the officials that she is no longer interested in education and that she prefers to get married. She is reportedly in love with a guy and expressed that she wants to marry him.
Since KCR had assured of getting her married, Pratyusha is expecting the Chief Minister to help her. When KCR asked officials to know about the boy’s whereabouts they found out that he is from Allagadda in Kurnool district and is employed at an automobile shop in Hyderabad.