The SR Nagar police have received a complaint from actress Poojitha against her husband Vijaya Gopal stating that he has married an IAS officer Rekha Rani without divorcing her, and she was asked to produce documentary evidence of her marriage. But Vijay Gopal a former journalist who has recently married Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh (SAAP) MD G. Rekha Rani, IAS has denied that he never married Poojitha but had a live-in relationship with her for sometime long back.
Poojitha have said that the police have informed her that if she could provide evidence they would book a case and the Police has not booked a case so far and Poojitha has sought time to produce documents. She has evidence and she will produce them before the media and police. However, she has admitted that she did not have a marriage certificate.
It was not compulsory to register marriages in 1994 when many have got married and they did not do that. But Poojitha have other evidences which she will produce soon. She has also claimed that they have got married in a temple and a wedding function was conducted with relatives. Poojitha had approached the police alleging that Vijay Gopal was her husband and he had cheated her and several other women.
She has alleged that he never took divorce from her and Poojitha has also alleged that she had spent a lot of money on Vijay Gopal. Meanwhile, Rekha Rani has told that she was ready to face the legal battle ahead and was sure that Vijay Gopal had never married Poojitha.